SUPAKINO presents a “Living For The City” double bill of Charlie Chaplin’s MODERN TIMES (1936) & Raj Kapoor’s SHREE 420 (1955). Ranjit S. Ruprai will be exploring the connections between these films and will be joined by special guest Dr. Kulraj Phullar, film scholar and teacher.
BOMBAY MIX: Indian cinema meets the rest of the world in a mix of movies that share themes, stories and genres. Part of an on-going programme of double bills that invite audiences to explore cinema and make new connections.
SUPAKINO: Ranjit S. Ruprai is an independent programmer and supporter of indie cinemas, film festivals and film clubs in London. Since founding SUPAKINO, he has been presenting friendly film screenings around fun and unusual themes including Turbans Seen On Screen, Bombay Mix double bills and Midnight Excess late-night shows. Learn more at:
Individual tickets to each film are £12/£10 for members. If buying tickets to both films in the double bill, the price will automatically be discounted to £18/14 for members.