Bar Shorts presents a programme of films curated by the dynamic duo of Scottish animation - Will Anderson and Ainslie Henderson. Working together since they were students at Edinburgh College of Art in the early 2010s, their films have been described as 'inventive', 'emotional', 'hilarious' and 'fundamentally entertaining'. And they've won a bucket load of awards - BAFTAs, BAAs, MacLaren Awards to name but a few. Whether working together or individually, we think they're two of the most influential people working in UK film and animation today and we're hugely proud to have them at Bar Shorts. And they're dead funny.
Will and Ainslie will be in conversation with Chris Shepherd after the screening.
The full programme will be confirmed shortly. It will include a selection of Will and Ainslie's award winning films and new work. And films that have influenced them:
Monkey Love Experiments
Non-Fungible Therapy
One Little Thing
Skhizein by Jeremy Clapin
End Scene by Steffen Gebjerg
Brother by Adam Elliot
Mound by Alison Shulnik
Nuggets by Andreas Hykade
More to be confirmed soon