In 2018 an exciting historic artistic exchange took place hosted by the Kennedy Centre in Washington DC. For the first time, up to 400 Cuban artists (living on and outside the island) were set to perform together in a festival. Planning began when Obama was US president and talks were taking place between the US and Cuba. By the time of the festival, Trump was president and busy increasing the unilateral US blockade against the island. When Inti and his team finally arrived they were refused permission to film so instead delved into the artistic ties that connect the two countries. The resulting documentary is a moving collective testimony of artists and musicians, historians and politicians. As the hopeful director says 'In the future, what unites us will prevail over what separates us'.
Includes interviews with Cuban musicians Arturo O’Farril, Aymée Nuviola, Yissy García, Aldo López-Gavilán, Yosvany Terry, artists José Parlá and Manuel Mendive and many more.
The screening will be followed by special guests in conversation about the film and its themes, Dr Stephen Wilkinson, senior lecturer in Politics and International Relations, University of Buckingham and editor, The International Journal of Cuba Studies, and Adislenes Ruenes César, Attaché for Cultural, Academic and Scientific Affairs, Embassy of Cuba, UK.
Screen Cuba: Films to Change the World is a collaborative project of the charity Music Fund for Cuba, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, the Cuban Embassy in the UK and the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC).
Proceeds from the Solidarity ticket will to go to Cuban film institute (ICAIC) projects including restoration of classic films.