Cinema Mentiré

CINEMA MENTIRÉ is a film club that provides a platform for diverse voices from Latin America for UK audiences, by celebrating the work of classic and contemporary filmmakers and artists, while dismantling conventions usually associated with the region. Its name comes from the idea of ‘cinema mentiré’ (from the Spanish, ‘lying cinema’) crafted by Colombian filmmaker Luis Ospina in opposition to the celebrated term ‘cinema verité’ (‘truthful cinema’), to playfully disrupt the mores legitimised by Western Cinephilia.

Echoes and Horizons: Contemporary Bolivian Cinema: On the occasion of the Bicentenary of Bolivia’s independence in 2025, join Cinema Mentiré and The Garden Cinema to explore a hand-picked selection of recent gems that testify to the prosperity of Bolivian cinema in the last decade.

Past Screenings

Echoes and Horizons: Chaco 18

Cinema Mentiré presents the UK premiere of Chaco. Set in 1934, during the Chaco War fought between Bolivia and Paraguay, this… Read More
Diego Mondaca, Bolivia, Argentina, 2020, 80m.
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Echoes and Horizons: Bomba Animated Shorts PG

Cinema Mentiré present a selection of shorts from the BOMBA  Animada Collective in Bolivia. The shorts are in Spanish with English… Read More
Various, Bolivia, 2023, 54m.
This screening has now passed.

Echoes and Horizons: Puerto Escondido 18

Cinema Mentiré presents the UK premiere of Puerto Escondido. In 1879, Bolivia lost its access to the sea in a war.… Read More
Gabriela Paz Ybarnegaray, Bolivia, Chile, 2020, 76m.
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Echoes and Horizons: The Visitor (El visitante) 18

Echoes and Horizons: Contemporary Bolivian Cinema will open with The Visitor. After recently being released from prison, Humberto makes a modest… Read More
Martín Boulocq, Bolivia/Uruguay, 2022, 86m.
This screening has now passed.