Past Season:

Who is Luis Buñuel?

Fri 12 Jan — Thu 22 Feb 2024

Watching a Luis Buñuel film is an unsettling experience. Unpredictable emotional beats, sacrilegious imagery, uncanny juxtapositions abound in his work – his films attack our compliance. The man himself was no less complicated: a communist who left the party, a bourgeois who ferociously criticised his class, a self proclaimed (but not quite) puritan who was haunted by erotic obsessions. He made films in Mexico, France, and Spain, and all three countries claim him as one of their own. His films were banned and he was attacked with equal fervour by the Catholic Church, Fascist Spain, and the Mexican Communist Party.

Who is Luis Buñuel?

From January to February 2024, The Garden Cinema embarks on a journey of inquiry, which will include academic introductions, special events, and discussions with our members who will also be invited to help us unravel Buñuel’s legacy.

We will kick off our journey on January 12th with a Buñuel-inspired members’ party followed by a screening of Un Chien Andalou + L’Age d’Or with live electronic music accompaniment by A’Bear followed by the highly eccentric Simon of the Desert.

Week 1 of our journey will feature screenings of Los Olvidados and Land Without Bread and The Exterminating Angel films he made in Mexico.

In Week 2 we will continue with three films he made in Mexico and Spain – Nazarín, Tristana, and Viridiana.  The Viridiana screening on January 25 will be followed by a roundtable conversation with academics who will discuss Bunuel’s complex work and attempt to give a first answer to our central question: ‘Who is Luis Buñuel?’ To conclude the discussion, we will open it up to our members and the audience who will be invited to share their perspectives and insights on the issue.

Week 3 will be preoccupied with Buñuel’s work made in France, featuring his late masterpieces The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Belle de jour and That Obscure Object of Desire.

In Week 4, we will briefly deviate from our normal course with our Women of Surrealism event featuring films by Maya Deren, Germaine Dulac, and Barbara Hammer. The screening will be followed by a discussion addressing their legacy and examining the politics surrounding the historical underrepresentation of their work.

During Weeks 5 and 6 we will examine Buñuel’s legacy, screening films inspired or influenced by his work. The program will be informed by our members’ suggestions, which will be requested in our Members’ Update emails in January. Stay tuned to contribute, and keep an eye on the season page as more screenings will be added.

Join us for Who is Luis Buñuel? – more of an exploration than a season of films.

* Throughout the whole season, the majority of the films will feature brief intros by experts on each of Buñuel’s films, highlighting his different facets. Please check the individual film pages for full details.


Past Screenings

Belle de Jour 18

Beautiful young housewife Séverine Serizy (Catherine Deneuve) cannot reconcile her masochistic fantasies with her everyday life alongside dutiful husband Pierre (Jean… Read More
Luis Buñuel, France, Italy, 1967, 100m.
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Live Flesh - [Buñuel legacy] 18

*Live Flesh is part of our Who is Luis Buñuel? season, which throughout February explores Buñuel's legacy in modern and contemporary cinema. This… Read More
Pedro Almodóvar, Spain, France, 1997, 103m.
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Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du commerce, 1080 Bruxelles 15

Chantal Akerman’s landmark second feature follows the meticulous daily routine of its titular lead over the course of three days. Voted… Read More
Chantal Akerman, Belgium, France, 1975, 202m.
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Tristana PG

As a young woman, Tristana (Catherine Deneuve) is orphaned and taken under the guardianship of Don Lope (Fernando Rey), a respected… Read More
Luis Buñuel, Spain, France, Italy, 1970, 100m.
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That Obscure Object of Desire 15

*The screening on Wednesday 31 January will be introduced by Ginette Vincendeau (KCL). After dumping a bucket of water on a beautiful… Read More
Luis Buñuel, France, Spain, 1977, 103m.
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The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie 15

*The screening on Sunday, February 11 will be introduced by Dr. Tom Whittaker. *During the Discreet Charm of The Bourgeoisie screenings,… Read More
Luis Buñuel, France, 1972, 102m.
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Women of Surrealism PG

A special event on Women of Surrealism featuring films of Maya Derren, Germaine Dulac and Barbara Hammer. The screening will be… Read More
Germaine Dulac, Maya Deren, Barbara Hammer, France, USA, 1928, 1943, 1975, 95m.
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Viridiana 15

Viridiana (Silvia Pinal) is preparing to start her life as a nun when she is sent, somewhat unwillingly, to visit to… Read More
Luis Buñuel, Spain, Mexico, 1963, 90m.
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Lost Highway - [Buñuel legacy] 18

*Lost Highway is part of our Who is Luis Buñuel? season, which throughout February explores Buñuel's legacy in modern and contemporary cinema. This… Read More
David Lynch, USA, France, 1997, 134m.
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Alice - [Buñuel legacy] PG

*Alice is part of our Who is Luis Buñuel? season, which throughout February explores Buñuel's legacy in modern and contemporary cinema. This legacy… Read More
Jan Švankmajer, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland/ UK/ Germany, 1989, 86m.
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Woman in the Dunes - [Buñuel legacy] 15

*Woman in the Dunes is part of our Who is Luis Buñuel? season, which throughout February explores Buñuel's legacy in modern and contemporary… Read More
Hiroshi Teshigahara, Japan, 1964, 125m.
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Nazarín 12A

*The screening on Friday, January 19 will be introduced by Gareth Wood  (UCL). In a seedy, plague-ridden corner of turn-of-the-century Mexico, a… Read More
Luis Buñuel, Mexico, 1958, 94m.
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The Exterminating Angel 12A

*The screening on Thursday January 18 will be introduced by Sheldon Penn (University of Leicester). Edmundo Nobile (Enrique Rambal) invites friends over… Read More
Luis Buñuel, Mexico, 1962, 93m.
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Land Without Bread (Las Hurdes: Tierra Sin Pan) 18

*The screening on Sunday, January 14th will be introduced by Debbie Martin (UCL). * We recommend watching the film in conjuction with… Read More
Luis Buñuel, Spain, 1933, 30m.
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Arena: The Life and Times of Don Luis Buñuel 18

This Free Members' Screening was proposed by our member Anthony Wall, Director of the film and Executive Producer of the BBC’s… Read More
Anthony Wall, UK, 1984, 98m.
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Los Olvidados 12A

* The screening on Sunday, January 14th will be introduced by Debbie Martin (UCL). * We recommend watching the film in conjuction… Read More
Luis Buñuel, Mexico, 1950, 85m.
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Buñuel Party + Screenings with Live Score 15

You’re cordially invited to join us on Friday 12 January, to celebrate the launch of our Who is Luis Buñuel? film journey.… Read More
Luis Buñuel, France, Mexico, 1929, 1930, 1965, 179m.
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